Corporate Sponsors 2025

(we will update this page soon)




Filipino Fiesta of Sacramento

2020/2021 Corporate Sponsors




Friends of Filipino Fiesta

Media Sponsors

Philippine Fiesta Logo

TFC TV Logos

Crossings TV Logo

Corporate Sponsorship Information Package

The Filipino Fiesta started in 1977 and has attracted around 10,000 people each event year for the last three years according to Sacramento Sheriff’s Department’s estimate. Each year there are over 60 businesses and community organizations participating as vendors. Guests packed the stage areas throughout the day to enjoy the performances of local entertainers. The celebration will take place at the Jose Rizal Community Center, 7320 Florin Mall Drive, Sacramento, California. It will start with our traditional parade that is joined by dignitaries, community leaders and all vendors, community organizations, and other groups. There will be food booths, a career fair, games, vendors, entertainment, a health fair, children’s activities, historical display, financial consultants, and more. We are inviting companies, community-based organizations, the religious community, and other groups to participate in the activities as vendors, volunteers, corporate sponsors, etc. As a corporate sponsor, your company will receive valuable general and diverse market visibility. If you choose to be a platinum or gold sponsor you will receive additional exposure in our October event celebrating Filipino American History Month.

For more information or to discuss your participation and/or sponsorship with an event professional please call:

Lilia Rivera at 916 524-8008 Jinky Dolar 916-203-3707  

 Rosie Dauz (916) 300-5438 or


Murray Navarro, Chair Marketing Committee