It’s that time again! The annual Filipino Fiesta is coming to Sacramento on June 1, 2025, at the Jose Rizal Community Center on 7320 Florin Mall Drive in Sacramento.
The annual celebration of Filipino Culture, History, and Contributions of Filipinos. It’s the largest Filipino Celebration in Sacramento and Vicinity that showcases the talents of the Filipino Community thru cultural food, arts, crafts & educational displays
Filipino Fiesta started in 1977 and has attracted around 10,000 people each event year for the last three years according to Sacramento Sheriff’s Department’s estimate. Each year there are over 60 businesses and community organizations participating as vendors. Guests packed the stage areas throughout the day to enjoy the performances of local entertainers. The celebration will take place at the Jose Rizal Community Center, 7320 Florin Mall Drive, Sacramento, California. It will start with our traditional parade that is joined by dignitaries, community leaders and all vendors, community organizations, and other groups. There will be food booths, a career fair, games, vendors, entertainment, a health fair, children’s activities, a historical display, financial consultants, and more. We are inviting companies, community-based organizations, the religious community, and other groups to participate in the activities as vendors, volunteers, and corporate sponsors.


Back Row: Frank Zabal, Josie Patria, Murray Navarro, Ling Avera, Gigi Perez and Febelyn Acosta
Front Row: Lilia Rivera, Aida Azurin, Jinky Dolar, Mena Domondon, Melissa Javinar, Mercy Guerrrero, Edna Delos Reyes, Leila Pereira and Rosie Dauz
Message from the President

Philippine National Day Association
Rosie Dauz
Melissa Javinar
Filipino Community of Sacramento and Vicinity
Murray Navarro
Jinky Dolar
Ilocano Foundation of California
Ling Avera
Mercy Guerrero
Filipino Women’s Club
Leila Pereira
Edna Delos Reyes
Pacific Rim Heritage Foundation
Mena Domondon
Vince Sales
Sinagtala Filipino Theatre & Performing Arts Association
Josephine Perez
Febelyn Acosta-Green
Filipino Fiesta of Sacramento, June 2, 2024

Here’s the link to our 2023 Souvenir Program

2023 Filipino Fiesta of Sacramento – Sponsors

Please visit :

Please visit:

Please visit:

Free Online High School, Independent Study, Homeschooling – N. California – Visions In Education (


2022 Filipino Fiesta Souvenir Program Advertisement Application (Application forms for Fiesta 2023 will be updated soon)
Filipino Fiesta 2021
Filipino Fiesta in Sacramento, June 6, 2021 – Live and Virtual – Jose Rizal Community Center Amphitheater. By Invitation Only.
A special showing of the documentary “Harana,” about its origin and practice in the Philippines. Includes introductions by Lilia Rivera and Dick Mazon, and performances by Maharlika Lions Singers as part of the annual June Philippine Independence Celebration to promote Filipino Fiesta on June 6, 2021.
Brought to you by the following sponsors.

Due to Pandemic restrictions, we have modified the celebration this year.

Taking notes. Making History .
always a celebration.
Philippine Fiesta Newspaper

Join our celebration! June 02, 2019

Filipino Fiesta of Sacramento 2019 Corporate Sponsors


It’s that time again! The annual Filipino Fiesta is coming to Sacramento on June 5, 2022 at the Jose Rizal Community Center on 7320 Florin Mall Drive in Sacramento. The festival starts at 10:00 am and ends at 5:00 pm. Each year, the festival draws thousands of people to enjoy the food, entertainment, crafts, health fair, and other community services. We are inviting you to be part of the festive celebration.

More information coming soon!

Media Sponsors

Honoring the Philippine Fiesta Newspaper
A Million Thanks!
Filipino Fiesta 2018 @ Good Day Sacramento
Filipino Fiesta of Sacramento 2018
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The annual Filipino Fiesta is held every first Sunday of June to celebrate the Philippine Independence Day. It is the biggest event where more than 10,000 Filipinos and other ethnic groups attend. The Fiesta event has been celebrated in Sacramento for more than 36 years. It was organized by different community organizations and individuals until these organizations and individuals decided to form an umbrella organization called the Filipino Fiesta of Sacramento (FFS) to plan, organize, and carry out the goals and purposes of this event every year.
The highlights of the fiesta are: Beauty Pageant held the day before the actual Fiesta celebration where the winners are showcased at the Fiesta parade; parade of different organizations groups with their own individual theme; entertainment; Eskrima/Arnis/Kali Tournament; traditional Filipino food such as lumpia, halo-halo, pancit, adobo, etc.. There are corporate sponsors. non-profit organizations, career and health fairs, games, interactive activities, and vendors.
The Filipino Fiesta of Sacramento (FFS) is a 501c3 organization. Its mission is to promote and preserve the Filipino American’s rich cultural heritage through various educational, civic, historical , and cultural activities at the annual Filipino Fiesta celebration. Its purposes are:
- To hold the Filipino Fiesta every first Sunday in June in celebration of the Philippine Independence day.
- To foster teamwork, cooperation and friendship among the various associations organizing this cultural event.
- To provide opportunity for our youth to develop and showcase their talents.
- To bring all generations to learn and enjoy our culture and traditions.
- To promote good relations and understanding among the diverse cultural groups in Sacramento.
2020 FFS are manage by eight (8) member organizations namely:
- Filipino of Community of Sacramento and Vicinity (FCSV)
- Filipino Women’s Club of Sacramento (FWC)
- Pacific Rim Heritage Foundation (PRHF)
- Sinag-tala Filipino Theater and Performing Arts Association (SFTPAA)
- The Ilocano Foundation of California
- Philippine National Day Association (PNDA)
- FilAm Chamber of Commerce Sacramento
- University of the Philippines Alumni Association of Sacramento & Vicinity
In addition to the eight member organizations, FFS is assisted by regular volunteers and big supporters from the youth clubs and organizations such as the California State University Of Sacramento Samahang Filipino and Key Clubs from Monterey Trail and Florin High School. Also, providing time and effort to assist in the interactive activities for teenagers and young adults, and in addition to their yearly performance at the fiesta, is “The Project.”, a hip-hop dance company based in Folsom, California.
FFS welcomes everyone to join in the celebration every first Sunday of June each year. FFS is always in need of volunteers, performers, vendors, sponsors, spectators, etc. You may sign up at any time with any of the seven organizations or contact us on the phone numbers listed on the “Contact Us “ tab. Thank you.
Filipino Fiesta Car Show 2018